Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Baby Boomer Health- It's All About Aging Gracefully

We all hope to get old with as little disease's, pain and suffering as possible studies are now showing that the underlying cause of the vast majority of chronic degenerative diseases is systemic low grade inflammation. In fact inflammation has been associated with heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's to name just a few. So it seems that understanding chronic inflammation is crucial to longevity's and aging healthily. The bodies defense mechanism against pathogens back fires as we get older, in fact the University of Vermont pathologist Russell Tracy has linked aging to the very process that keeps us healthy when we are young. The fact that this type of inflammation increases with age means that with poor dietary and life style choices most people unknowingly suffer from this affliction. It doesn't have to be like this, the solution at hand is to understand that what we put into our bodies will largely determine our longevity's and quality of life. Simply put we have to stop digging our own graves with our own knife and fork. Regulating the elements in our diets that cause inflammation will reduce our risk of dying tomorrow of cancer or cardiovascular disease. It's as easy as choosing the salmon rather than the burger, snaking on fruits and vegetables other than french fries and onion rings. Taking a walk rather than having a martini or taking the stairs rather then the elevator. Using olive oil and healthy fats rather than saturated and un-healthy fats. It's just as east to go for the nuts over the candy bars and to supplement with a high quality nutritional.

Nutritional combatants of inflammation
The number one defense against chronic inflammatory is the Omega 3 fatty acids found in flax oil, canola oil and pumpkin seeds as well as cold water fish oils like salmon and sardines. Most antioxidants show some level of anti-inflammatory benefits. Vitamin C has demonstrated to be most beneficial, then there is the polyphenols mother nature provided in plant based regulators of inflammation.
Polyphenols are usually found in high quality nutritional supplements. These would include citrus bioflavonoids from fruits and berries; resveratrol found in red wine and grapes. Cucumin from turmeric and the catechins from green tea, grape seeds and assorted nuts and berries as well as pine bark. Supplementing with carnosine provides cellular rejuvenation which is why it has been called “Nature's life extension agent”

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Inflammation - #1 Health Risk

Usually the designation of public enemy # 1 is applied to cardiovascular disease. However studies that began in the 80's now lead us to understand that cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of preventable death is in fact an inflammation condition. It doesn't stop there, chronic inflammations also a cause of accelerated aging, obesity, onset diabetes, Alzheimer's, Huntington's as well as multiple sclerosis, just to name a few.

What is inflammation? Well inflammation happens to be a part of the body defense against pathogens that increase the body temperature, a flood of free radicals and proteins is the bodies defense against danger. As we age it becomes harder for our body to regulate and the inflammation becomes silent and systemic. Silent inflammation causes the body to turn on itself and the immune system to attack it's own organs. This is actually good news to us all in our quest for health and wellness. It is no longer necessary for different radical treatments for the degenerative diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's. Preventive measures to reduce inflammation could prevent all of these ailments.

What are the Nutritional combatants of inflammation? The number one defense against chronic inflammation is the Omega 3 fatty acids found in the flax oil, canola oil and pumpkin seeds as well as the cold water fish oils like salmon and sardines. Most antioxidants show some level of anti-inflammatory benefits such as Vitamin C has demonstrated to be most beneficial. Then there is the polyphenols mother natures provided plant based regulators inflammation. Polyphenols are usually found in high quality nutritional supplements. These include citrus bioflavonoids from fruits and berries; resveratrol found in red wine and grapes; cucumin from tumeric and the catechins from green tea, grape seeds and assorted nuts and berries as well as pine bark.

When looking for a high quality nutritional supplement it should include eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, linolenic acid, gamma tocopheral, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin C, flavoniods, procyanidolic, oligomers, and the Phenolic compounds from green tea, olive, tumeric extracts.

For information on the scientific evidence supporting this information log on to

*Warning* "Insufficient Vitamin intake is
apparently the cause of chronic disease" -Dr Robert Fletcher and Dr. Kathleen
Fairfield - June 19,2002 edition ;Journal of the American Medical

*Important* American Medical
Association now encourages everyone to supplement daily with a multiple

Click here for Nutritionals you can